The information you provide will enable us to better serve your needs. As you can see, the return of the information is anonymous.

  1. Have you ever had a past life regression?YESNO
  2. Do you consider the regression beneficial?YESNO
  3. Have you ever had an out of body experience?YESNO
  4. Have you ever had a near death experience?YESNO
  5. Do you personally know someone who has had a near death experience?YESNO
  6. Have you ever visited a:
    1. Psychic;
    2. Medium;
    3. Healer;
    4. Spiritual Advisor;
    5. Channeler?
  7. Do you practise Tai Chi?YES NO
  8. Do you practise Yoga?YES NO
  9. Have you ever visited a reflexologist?YESNO
  10. Do you belong to a metaphysical, spiritual discussion group?YESNO
  11. Have you ever had a Reiki healing?YESNO

What would you like to see on a Web Site dedicated to the metaphysical, spiritual, holistic, naturalistic, psychic (other) studies?

(OPTIONAL)Your e-mail Address:

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