Metaphysical / Spiritual Group

Diane Blaszka

21 Carmody Court

Torrington, Ct. 06790

(860) 482-2283



Every Wednesday Night From 7:00-9:00 p.m.

October   4

A.R.E. Forum on the Afterlife



October  11

Charlie will fill in for Diane - Meditation Time



October   18

Vacation -  No Meeting.



October   25

Jocelyn Lebowitz & Jeff.. showing us the Bio Mat for great healing



Nov.     1

Audrey Craig - Wayne Dyer, The Power of Intention - Part 3.



Nov.    8

Bob Leo -  Bob will show a movie, " The Secret" a must see - fabulous.



Nov. 15

Jenna Marzulla  Talk on Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Well Being.



Nov.  22

Group Discussion  How we started our spiritual journey



Nov.  29

Bob Leo, Brenda Brown, Audrey Craig   Near Death Experience.



Dec.  6

Audrey Craig – More info on Nutrition and healthy living.



Dec.  13

Nick Sforza -  Continue CD on "Course in Miracles".



Dec.  20

Christmas Party - Pot Luck   Charlie is Santa -  Bring an inexpensive Grab bag Gift - Lots of Fun- Christmas Carols, etc.



Jan., Feb., Mar.'07   

No Meetings -  Meetings will resume on April 4, 2007.